Friday, 5 August 2011

Charlotte's Web (book 2)

I started reading Charlotte's Webb by E B White on the 3rd August. I've never read it before and i believe there is a film also, although i've never seen that either. Maybe if the book is good i will seek it out. I know i'm reading children's books but it's just at the moment and may change at any time or maybe it won't? I'm giving myself persmission to read all those books i keep seeing on the shelves and don't get the chance to read. 

So back to Charlotte's Web by Elwyn Brooks White. Elwyn was born on the 11 July 1899, the youngest child of Samuel White and Jessie Hart. I believe his next eldest sibling was Lilian and she was some seven years older then him. Although he spent time with his siblings he was often alone. He was a quiet, shy child but did have friends in the neighbourhood. His greatest love was animals.

He was first published as a child in a children's magazine where he wrote short stories and poems about animals and nature. His first book Stuart Little was published in 1945 followed by Charlotte's Web in 1952. His first book to win an award was The Trumpet of the Swan published in 1970. Sadly he died in 1985 from altzheimers.

Charlott'e Web is about a small pig named Wilbur and the friendship he makes with a spider named Charlotte. Wilbur is the runt of the litter and is about to be killed by Mr Arable when his daughter Fern pleads for mercy for little Wilbur and takes him and feeds him by bottle until he is big enough to live on a nearby farm where for most of the time he is on his own. Until he makes a friend. 

I read slowly, i like to read slowly, i like to relish what it is i am reading but i don't think Charlotte's Webb will take me too long.

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